What makes Pop Languages unique is its artistic quality both musically and visually.
Music and movement capture the child’s interest and they are completely captivated.
Learning English with Pop Languages is pleasant, fun and easy. Children benefit from developing other skills such as auditory and visual memory, increased concentration, creativity, and imagination, to name a few. In addition, children improve their ability to communicate and express themselves.
Children look, listen, sing, dance, mime, draw, play games, not forgetting speaking the new language!
Oral comprehension and expression is our first objective.
Theory comes next.
And lots of practice!
Music gives the flow of the sentences and emphasises the correct intonation naturally.
Miming allows the children to express themselves using body language, helping them to leave their shyness behind, without realising it.
Children forget their shyness and express themselves in a foreign language. It is like a secret code, a game...
The children forget their shyness and express themselves in a foreign language, a secret code, a game...
They participate in their Pop Languages classes with enthusiasm and remember vocabulary and grammar, easily. It is a wonder to see!